epicroll lol
this is vary good i think you should some funny music vids and nicely animated btw
epicroll lol
this is vary good i think you should some funny music vids and nicely animated btw
holy mother of god it awesome!!!
this is awesome
you have made a crossover final fantasy game this is awesome
the allery i can see that the drawing took you a long time
one question i ave to ask is : "when are you making a sequel?"
do i need a reson for this 3
only 1 the cars bounce off
not bad
it is quite good only one problem i dosent say how to push buttons
it is hell of a diffrent puzzle than any i have ever tried
good but
i played this it is good but once you played it it quite boring if there were like more levals it could be better
p.s i might of spelt some words wrong
its good but the animaqted ones always do me in
oh colurs
9 for this reson
game play: good dosn't get boreing
game life: never gets old
gravics*: good colurs and speed in all qulaties*
(anything with a star* is probably spelt wrong
i tried to play this but it keeped on crashing on me or it loads and closes itself down and before you say "if it's a slow computer but it on low bla bla bla" my computer is the best it brand spaking new with the lastest evry thing
all the new versons are good but is one seems to go downhill indesthructo tank 2 was the top of the hill the ndesthructocopter one was startinto go down and this may be good with co-op but bottom of the hill
o3o hi \o
Age 31, Female
Joined on 12/14/06